Braces Aren’t Just for Kids

Braces Aren’t Just for Kids

Adults Orthodontics
Long Beach, CA – When you picture someone wearing braces, what is the image that comes in to mind? I bet it’s a picture of an awkward teenager with a mouth full of metal, right? While that might have been the norm once upon a time, it’s no longer true.

Orthodontic technology has seen many amazing advancements over the past 20 years, including lingual, clear and self-ligating braces not to mention Invisalign. Even traditional metal braces are sleeker and more efficient than ever before. These developments are great news for older patients who are seeking out orthodontic treatment, because it allows us, as doctors, to provide an individualized treatment plan based on both the orthodontic needs and esthetic concerns of the patient.

While we often think of braces as a rite of passage for adolescents, more adults are realizing the benefits of straighter smiles.

Nearly 20 percent of today’s orthodontic patients are adults.

Some of these patients did not have the opportunity to get braces in their adolescence, others have had braces and experienced relapse from loss or lack of retainer wear, and there are still others who are looking to correct a smaller orthodontic issue that developed more recently.

If you’ve been living with a less-than-perfect smile, you may have realized it has also impacted your overall oral health. Straighter teeth aren’t just prettier, they’re healthier too. When you have a smile that is crooked or crowded, it can be harder to properly clean, leading to development of cavities in between the teeth and periodontal problems. If you’ve experienced one or both of these issues, the alignment of your teeth is one of the contributing causes.

So why not join the many adults who are realizing that it’s never too late to get the smile of your dreams? In my office, we offer several options for crafting beautiful smiles.

1- Clear Braces

Clear braces are made of ceramic and while they are still “braces”, they are significantly less noticeable than traditional metal brackets. They work the same as standard metal braces, but because the brackets are clear, your friends and colleagues won’t be able to pick them out as easily. I truly believe that a patient’s comfort with his or her appliances during treatment is of the utmost importance, so if esthetics is important to a patient (whether an adolescent or adult), I offer the clear braces at no additional cost. While metal braces have come a long way over the years and are accordingly sleeker and more efficient at moving teeth, they still may not be the option of choice for some adult patients.

2- self-ligating braces

If you are looking for treatment that allows for greater flexibility with appointment times and oftentimes greater efficiency, self-ligating braces may be a great option for you. These brackets eliminate the need for elastic ties by using a clip, or movable door, to hold the archwire in place. As a result, once wires are placed, the doors keep the wire fully active and engaged for a longer period of time, eliminating the need to change elastic ties every 4-6 weeks. Patient appointments can therefore be pushed out every 8-10 weeks, so for those adults who need more flexibility with appointment times, self-ligating brackets are a great option. Length of the actual appointment is also improved, as wire changes typically take less time,

3- Invisalign

For patients who want as little interference in their daily lives as possible, clear aligners, such as Invisalign, are another option. Invisalign aligners are clear, comfortable and removable. That means others will rarely notice you’re wearing them, and you won’t have to make big adjustments to your life to accommodate them. Compliance with 23 hour/day wear, however, is a huge factor in the success of the treatment, as the teeth will only be straightened if the aligners are worn full time, with the exception of eating. While advancements in the technology have opened the aligners up to use for more complex cases, the best results are seen on milder orthodontic issues.

4- Lingual Braces

If invisible orthodontic treatment is what you’re looking for, but you want the efficiency of traditional braces, lingual braces are a great option. These braces fit along the tongue side of your teeth, so they are virtually invisible to others. For cases that are more complex, and therefore not ideal candidates for clear aligners (Invisalign), lingual braces are a great option. The one word of warning I always advise my patients is that it will take some time to adjust to the braces being on the inside surface of the teeth, whether it be for tongue comfort or speech.

If you’ve been living with a smile that you’re embarrassed to show, it’s time to embrace the advances in technology and see what orthodontics can do for you. Schedule a consultation by calling 562-283-6590 and we can get you on the path to a straighter smile in no time.