Orthodontist for Teens in Long Beach CA

Dr. Heather Desh Board Certified and Top-Rated

Low-profile, aesthetically pleasing, and discreet braces or clear aligners that best fit the lifestyles of teens.

Dr. Desh, Long Beach Orthodontist for Teens

At HD Orthodontics, we understand that the teenage years are filled with excitement, self-discovery, and countless memorable moments. We also recognize the importance of a confident and radiant smile during this crucial period of development. That's why we're dedicated to providing exceptional orthodontic care tailored specifically for teens, ensuring they embark on their journey with the brightest smiles possible.

Dr. Desh Professional Associations, ABO, AAO, CDA
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Dr. Heather Desh, Board Certified Orthodontist

Dr. Desh, Board Certified Orthodontist

Why Orthodontic Care for Teens

Boost Confidence
Teenagers often face a multitude of changes, both physically and emotionally. A straight and healthy smile can significantly boost self-esteem and confidence, helping teens navigate the challenges of adolescence with a positive mindset.

Correct Misalignments
Orthodontic issues, such as crooked teeth, overcrowding, or misaligned bites, can impact not only the aesthetics of a smile but also oral health. Our expert orthodontists specialize in addressing these concerns, promoting proper alignment and function for a lifetime of optimal dental well-being.

Aesthetically Pleasing Options
We understand that appearance matters to teens. That's why we offer a variety of orthodontic treatment options, including discreet alternatives like clear aligners, tooth-colored (ceramic) braces and Inbrace lingual braces. Teens can straighten their teeth without compromising their style or self-expression.

Our Teen-Friendly Orthodontic Services

Damon Self-ligating Braces

Time-tested and highly effective, Damon braces are a reliable and efficient option for achieving an amazing smile. Our newest Damon Ultima self-lighting braces are sleeker and more comfortable than ever, making the journey to a beautiful smile a breeze.

Invisalign Clear Aligners

For teens who prefer a more inconspicuous option, clear aligners are a fantastic choice. These custom-made, removable trays gradually shift teeth into their desired positions, allowing for a comfortable and virtually invisible orthodontic experience.


After braces or aligner treatment, retainers play a crucial role in maintaining the achieved results. Our retainers are designed to be convenient and easy for teens to use, ensuring the longevity of their beautiful smiles. We even offer a retainer replacement insurance plan to simplify the process of ordering new retainers and remove a lot of the stress that often is associated with lost or broken retainers.

The HD Experience

Expert Care
Our team of experienced and friendly orthodontic experts specializes in working with teenagers. We understand the unique needs and concerns of this age group, ensuring a personalized and positive orthodontic experience.

State-of-the-Art Facilities
HD Orthodontics is equipped with cutting-edge technology to provide the highest standard of care. Our modern and comfortable facilities create an inviting atmosphere for teens to feel at ease during their orthodontic visits.

Flexible Appointment Scheduling
We understand the busy schedules of teens and their families. That's why we offer flexible appointment options, including evening hours, to accommodate your lifestyle.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Investing in your teen's smile is an investment in their overall well-being and confidence. Schedule a consultation with HD Orthodontics today, and let us start the journey to a straighter, healthier, and more radiant smile together. Because every teen deserves to smile with confidence!

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