Children’s Life In Braces

Children’s Life In Braceschildren life in braces

Long Beach, CA – If your child is about to get braces, there are probably some things you are wondering. What is life going to be like once the braces are placed?

The good news is, that while it can take a bit of time to adjust to life with braces, in no time your child will be a pro. But it is important that parents are aware of what to expect so they can help their children adjust.

First, it is important to know that after the braces are placed, there will be a bit of discomfort, which is typically experienced the following day. The first couple of days after we place the braces are the hardest, but the discomfort typically goes away in about 2-3 days. If our patient experiences soreness or tenderness, an analgesic or over-the-counter pain medication like Advil or Tylenol can help. You should also ensure your child sticks to a soft diet for the first couple of days. Soup, mashed potatoes, smoothies and other foods that don’t need to be chewed will be helpful when first adjusting to the braces. We also recommend cold drinks or foods (i.e. ice cream!) to our patients, because our office uses high tech heat-activated wires which are activated by the heat of the mouth. Cold drinks and foods will soften the wires, making them more comfortable for patients in the first few days while they’re trying to acclimate to wearing braces.

It will also take the inside of the mouth a bit of time to get used to the new appliances. The cheeks, lips and tongue might become irritated. Rinsing with warm saltwater can help greatly. We will also provide your child with orthodontic wax that can be used on areas of the braces or wires that feel particularly rough at first. Just like the general soreness associated with tooth movement from braces, this irritation should only last a few days until the mouth gets used to having the braces present.

Caring for the teeth is an important part of life in braces, too. Your child will have brackets and wires in the mouth, creating lots of places for food debris to get stuck. It will be very important to make sure your child is brushing and flossing properly. Make sure your child keeps a toothbrush and toothpaste with him or her during the day to brush after meals and snacks.

As a parent, it is important for you to know that braces can wear down a toothbrush quickly, so you’ll need to make sure your child’s toothbrush is replaced more often. Check your child’s brushing, especially in the first few weeks, to make sure the braces look shiny and you can see the edges of every bracket clearly. If the brackets and teeth look fuzzy or dull, that means that plaque is still present and more brushing is needed to properly clean them.

Eating with braces can also take some time to adjust to. While there are still plenty of delicious foods your child can eat, it is important to make sure your child adheres to the list of foods that are off-limits for the time being.

To avoid breaking or damaging the brackets and wires your child should avoid:

  • Chewy foods, such as licorice, bagels, steak, starbursts
  • Crunchy foods, such as ice, popcorn, hard candies, pizza crust, chips
  • Sticky foods, such as caramels, gummies, gum
  • Hard foods, such as nuts, pretzels, crunchy vegetables, foods that require biting into (apples, corn on the cob)

Don’t worry though, there are still ways you can enjoy some of your favorite foods and not have to give up your entire diet!

  • We recommended cutting apples into pieces and corn off the cob so you can prevent biting off brackets when eating them.
  • Cut hard vegetables like carrots into small sticks or cook them to soften.
  • Cut meat off the bone and into small bites so you can still enjoy chicken wings and steak
  • Soften hard cookies by dipping them in milk
  • Swap out popcorn for pirate booty, a delicious alternative!

Life in braces does take a period of adjustment, but most patients find that in no time, they have their routine down to a science. The benefits of braces far outweigh the minor inconveniences we experience during our months wearing them. In no time, our patients are showing off their beautiful and healthy new smiles!