Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Invisalign

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Invisalign

Invisalign treatment
Long Beach, CA – Orthodontic treatment has come a long way, and there are more options than ever before to get the straight smile of your dreams. One treatment option that continues to rise in popularity is Invisalign and Invisalign Teen. But what exactly does the treatment entail? We’ll answer all your questions here.

  1. What exactly is Invisalign and Invisalign Teen? Invisalign is a way to straighten your teeth, without the brackets and wires that are commonly associated with orthodontic treatment. Instead, Invisalign and Invisalign Teen use a series of clear, removable aligners that are custom created just for you to fit over your teeth. Each set is specially calibrated to guide your teeth to a certain location, so at the end, you’ll have a beautifully straight and properly functioning smile.
  2. What makes Invisalign Teen different from Invisalign? Invisalign Teen works just like Invisalign for adults. However, Invisalign Teen has a few unique differences. Included in the cost of Invisalign Teen treatment is the cost for six replacement aligners. We know that sometimes life happens, so we want to be sure your smile doesn’t suffer because your aligners become lost. Invisalign Teen aligners also come with special indicators to show that the patient is wearing the aligners the amount of time that is recommended.
  3. How does the cost of Invisalign compare to other orthodontic treatments? Invisalign is slightly more expensive than traditional metal braces, but because the treatment is becoming so popular, the cost today is almost on par with that of regular braces.
  4. Will insurance cover Invisalign? Yes, if you have a dental plan that covers orthodontic treatment, Invisalign should be covered. Your orthodontist will have a financial specialist in his or her office who can help you maximize your benefits.
  5. How will Invisalign change my life? Invisalign will put on the path to a new, straighter smile, but there will be some things to get used to in the beginning. You’ll want to practice talking with the aligners in, as well as practice putting them in and taking them out. You should be sure you carry a toothbrush with you at all times, but you can enjoy all of the foods and activities you did prior to orthodontic treatment.
  6. What are the primary advantages to choosing Invisalign or Invisalign Teen? People love Invisalign and Invisalign Teen for many reasons. The first is that the aligners are clear, so they blend in seamlessly and no one even has to know you’re wearing them. They are made of a smooth plastic that won’t irritate the inside of your mouth or your tongue. And because they are removable, you don’t have to change your diet or your oral care habits. Invisalign is a virtually invisible way to straighten your teeth, and still get to enjoy your favorite snacks.
  7. Are there any drawbacks to Invisalign? One of Invisalign’s best advantages may also be a disadvantage for some. Because the aligners are removable, it can be easy to forget to put them back in after eating, drinking, or caring for your teeth. That’s one of the reasons why Invisalign Teen comes with indicators to show you, your parents and your orthodontist that you are wearing the aligners as you should.
  8. Since the aligners are removable, can I take them out for a big occasion? We always advise against falling into this habit. For Invisalign to be effective, the aligners must be worn at least 22 hours a day. If they aren’t in your mouth, they can’t be working. So, the more often you take them out, the less they will work and that could mean your treatment time is extended.
  9. How long will treatment take with Invisalign? We cannot give you an exact time treatment will take because each patient is different as well as the severity of their malocclusion. Every mouth moves at a different pace. But, one thing we can tell you is that the best way to ensure your treatment goes by quickly is to wear your aligners exactly as your orthodontist tells you to, for the length of time your orthodontist tells you to. Invisalign and Invisalign Teen have the highest level of patient cooperation involved, so compliance is a big factor in how long treatment can take.
  10. How are the aligners cared for to keep them fresh and clean? You’ll only wear each set of aligners for approximately two weeks, but that is plenty of time for food debris and plaque to build up if you aren’t caring for the aligners. Always rinse the aligners off when taking them from your mouth. To clean them, you can purchase a special Invisalign soak from your orthodontist, or use denture cleaner. Leave the aligners in the solution while you’re eating, or brushing and flossing. You can also use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently clean the aligner, but don’t use toothpaste because it can be a bit abrasive and may damage the aligners.
  11. How often should I brush my teeth while in Invisalign or Invisalign Teen treatment? Often! You should plan to carry a toothbrush with you everywhere you go and brush after every snack. If you don’t brush after eating, and then place the aligners back in, you are trapping any food debris that was leftover directly between the aligners and the teeth. If you can’t brush before putting your aligners back in, always rinse your mouth out with water or mouthrinse.
  12. Will Invisalign treatment hurt? No orthodontic treatment is without some discomfort. To move your teeth to their new locations, we have to first loosen them from their previous locations. You may feel slight discomfort and notice some mild mobility. This is normal. Each time you switch to a new set of aligners, the first day or so may have some discomfort as you get used to it. But because the aligners are made of a smooth plastic, you won’t have to worry about metal brackets irritating the inside of your mouth. And while you will have follow-up appointments with your orthodontist to ensure your treatment is on track, these appointments are relatively quick and won’t include adjustments like traditional braces.
  13. Will wearing the aligners alter my speech? When you first get your aligners, it is a good idea to practice speaking with them in. For certain sounds, your tongue needs to make contact with the back of your teeth, so you may need a day or two for your tongue to adjust to the aligners. But, in no time your speech will sound just as it did before.
  14. Since I opted for Invisalign, that means no rubber bands, right? Not always. Invisalign treatment has advanced to allow for many more orthodontic patients than ever before to benefit from it. For some more serious malocclusions, you may require special attachments to which rubber bands can be attached. The aligners themselves work wonders to properly align the teeth, but sometimes rubber bands are needed to help align the jaw and bite.
  15. Do I really have to take the aligners out every time I eat or drink? Yes, every time you eat or drink anything but plain water, you should be removing your aligners. Chewing with the aligners in can damage them, making them less effective. Drinking anything other than water may discolor them, and hot beverages may warp the plastic, altering the fit.
  16. Can the aligners become damaged? Your aligners can become damaged if you chew with them in, if you drink warm beverages, if you leave them someplace warm, or if you leave them where a pet might be able to get them. We’ve had more than one patient require a new set of aligners because a dog chewed their previous ones! When you take your aligners out of your mouth, always keep them in a case so they will be safe.
  17. What happens if I lose an aligner? If you are using Invisalign Teen, the cost of six replacement aligners is included in your orthodontic fee. If you are an adult using Invisalign, you may be tempted just to move on to the next set of aligners in your treatment. That is a bad idea, however. If your teeth haven’t progressed to the location they needed to prior to the new aligner set, the teeth will not move in the way the aligners are programmed to move them. Many orthodontists include the cost of at least one or two aligner sets in the cost of your treatment, so the best thing to do is call your orthodontist right away and put in your previous set of aligners to ensure that the teeth do not move.
  18. How hard is it to put in the aligners and take them out? It can take some practice to smoothly place the aligners in and remove them. We recommend practicing some at home so you can deftly do it at school or work without anyone even noticing.
  19. Can children in orthodontic treatment opt for Invisalign? Invisalign treatment is only recommended for patients who are teens and older. If your child is in need of early orthodontic treatment, speak with your orthodontist about the best option for your child.
  20. Will I need a retainer after Invisalign treatment is finished? Yes, your treatment doesn’t end the day you finish that last aligner set. A retainer has a very important job – to retain your beautiful new smile. If you don’t wear a retainer, you may find your teeth start drifting right back to where they were before. Always wear your retainer as directed by your orthodontist to preserve that new smile you worked so hard for.