I’m Too Busy for Orthodontic Treatment

I’m Too Busy for Orthodontic Treatment

Long Beach, CA – We know our patients all lead busy lives and trying to schedule one more thing into your days can seem impossible. But if you are putting off orthodontic treatment for yourself or your child because you think you are too busy, we urge you to think about the benefits orthodontic treatment can provide, and weigh those against the outcomes of putting treatment off.

So, if you are too busy, what can persuade you to find the time for treatment?

First, let’s look at the benefits of orthodontic treatment. You may think orthodontics only provides straight smiles, and you don’t necessarily care if your smile is perfectly straight, so why bother trying to fit in treatment? While the goal of orthodontics is certainly a straighter smile, that’s far from the only goal. Orthodontists work hard to create stable, healthy bites that can stand the test of time. 

An abnormal bite doesn’t just throw your smile out of alignment, but a misaligned bite can create bigger problems over time. Your teeth can chip, crack or even break from an uneven amount of pressure being placed when you bite down. Additionally, you may have issues speaking, biting, or chewing because of your abnormal biting pattern.

While beautiful smiles are one result of orthodontic treatment, another is also healthier smiles. That’s because a straighter smile is easier to clean. Crooked and crowded teeth are harder to adequately brush and floss, making you more susceptible to decay and gum disease. 

Technology has greatly impacted the orthodontic world. Advances now allow patients to visit the orthodontist for follow-up appointments every six to ten weeks, rather than monthly. That’s because today’s technology moves teeth more efficiently and effectively than ever before. Whether you use metal braces or Invisalign, your orthodontist has laid out a comprehensive, individualized plan that moves your teeth safely in the quickest amount of time possible. 

While technology has provided a lot of benefits that help us move teeth more reliably, we still require in-patient check-ups for a few reasons. The first is that even though we have planned your treatment precisely, we never know how a patient is going to respond to the treatment. There are many factors that determine how quickly teeth move, including but not limited to age, bone density, and gender. We need to see you to ensure your treatment is staying on track and progressing as it should. We want to make sure everything is moving according to plan and that your teeth and gums are healthy enough to continue treatment. 

We know that our patients – whether they are adolescents, teens or adults, are busy. School, sports, extra-curricular activities, work, and other responsibilities fill your days. We will work hard to ensure we schedule appointments on days and times that are convenient for you so that you don’t have to worry about missing other important engagements. The only appointment types that are less flexible are the longer ones that require more doctor time. These include your initial start appointment, and the debond visit when your braces or Invisalign are removed. We try to schedule these appointments earlier in the day, so we can reserve our later appointment times for your regular 6-10 week adjustment appointments and retainer checks. Our goal is to create healthy, beautiful smiles that are built to last a lifetime. We strive to do that in an effective and efficient way that values your schedule and time. Orthodontic treatment can improve your oral health and provide you with the smile of your dreams. We will always work hard to respect your time because we are grateful you’ve chosen us as your orthodontic family. If you’ve been putting off orthodontic treatment because you are too busy, call our office today to learn how we can help you – 562-283-6590.