Are Inbrace Lingual Braces Right for Me?

Are Inbrace Lingual Braces Right for Me?
how much does inbrace cost and is it right for you?

Long Beach, CA – More adults are seeking orthodontic treatment to get the smiles they’ve always wanted. But most older patients and many teens want a discrete way to straighten their smiles. Inbrace lingual braces offer an excellent solution. But what exactly are lingual braces, and are they right for you?

Lingual braces are metal braces with one huge twist. Rather than being visible to everyone, they are almost invisible because they fit along the tongue or lingual side of the teeth. 

Inbrace lingual braces offer a highly personalized and discrete way to improve your smile. The braces and wires are customized to the individual needs of every patient. Inbrace uses smartwires which are programmed to move your teeth from your initial malocclusion to final result. The best part is that because of their placement, no one even has to know you’re in orthodontic treatment. 

But are Inbrace lingual braces right for you? 

Advantages of Inbrace:

  • Lingual braces are hidden behind your teeth so you can discretely straighten your smile and lead your busy life without worrying about people staring at your braces.
  • You don’t have to worry about taking aligners in and out of your mouth. Inbrace is working around the clock to straighten your teeth without you having to do anything!
  • Inbrace is highly precise because they are customized to each tooth and the wires are programmed to your final finished result.
  • Inbrace won’t cause visible white spots on the front of the teeth after treatment. Poor oral hygiene can lead to enamel decalcification, or white spots on the teeth, after braces are removed. Since lingual braces fit along the back of teeth, this won’t be a problem.

Disadvantages of Inbrace:

  • Lingual braces may take longer to get used to because of their placement. Your tongue may initially get sore from rubbing up against the metal brackets and wires, so we do recommend using wax and Gushy Goo to cover the brackets until the tongue acclimates.
  • Lingual braces may impact speech in the first few days. Because they are placed along the tongue side of the upper teeth, the tongue will need to adjust to them when speaking. We give all of our patients speech exercises to help speed up the adjustment period.
  • Lingual braces require more attention when brushing and flossing, as they can be a little more difficult to access on the inside of the teeth.
  • Similar to traditional metal braces, lingual braces have dietary restrictions. Anything hard, sticky, chewy or crunchy could potentially break off a bracket, so you must take care in what you’re eating.

How much does Inbrace Cost?

When lingual braces were first introduced, they often cost significantly more than traditional metal braces. However, the cost today is comparable and is typically only slightly more than standard braces.

For patients seeking orthodontic treatment, Inbrace is an increasingly popular option. They allow patients to continue living active lifestyles without worrying that braces will be in the way or that anyone will know they’re in treatment. However, the best way to determine the right treatment option for you is through a consultation with a board-certified orthodontist. Call HD Orthodontics today to learn more about Inbrace lingual braces and other orthodontic treatment options.